
After Fukushima accident and stress test recommended by IAEA for existing reactors, higher safety requirements are enforced upon nuclear power plants during design extension and severe accident conditions. Based on those arguments, Vietnam Government requests a lot of effective safety solutions, in designs proposed for the nuclear power plants in Ninh Thuan province of Vietnam, which can prevent the accident progression toward severe accidents and mitigate severe accident consequences. One of safety requirements is related to delay time of core melt during design extension condition. Especially, if the worst case of accidents occurs, the reactor vessel integrity must be maintained at least 24 hours from the beginning of the accident. With the aim at investigation of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) integrity, in this study, MELCOR 1.8.6 code is used to evaluate the integrity of RPV lower head for VVER-1200/V-491 reactor during a Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) in combination with Station Blackout (SBO) event. The study figures out several parameters related to melt down progress such as: rupture position and rupture timing, the amount of hydrogen generated. Availability of the second stage hydro-accumulators (HA2) in the VVER-1200/V-491 is assumed as an additional improvement to delay the timing of core melt as well as to maintain the vessel integrity for long-term.

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