
PURPOSE: The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether individuals of varying fitness levels would self-select an appropriate exercise test from the Boer 1 - 5 graded (maximal) exercise testing protocols. The protocols were developed to be discreet for each of five fitness levels (1 - Clinical, 2- Moderately Fit, 3 - Fit, 4 - Highly Fit and 5 - Elite). It is hypothesized that calculated VO2peak in each group will be different, while testing time will be statistically the same. METHODS: Students from an exercise prescription lab course completed one of the five Boer protocols as a class assignment. Subjects completed a short survey and listened to a lecture regarding protocol selection. Subjects completed the grade exercise test and stopped the test when volitional fatigue was achieved. Treadmill testing time and calculated VO2peak (from the intensity reached during the last two minutes) was recorded. A one-way ANOVA was completed with treadmill time and calculated VO2peak as dependent variables and protocol selection as the independent variable. RESULTS: N=83 (33 Male, 50 Female) Age 21.8 years (1.3), BMI 24.9 (4.3) There were no statistical difference between male and female results. Therefore, all subjects were pooled into the respective protocol. (No subjects completed Boer 1.)Table: No title available.* (p<0.0001 compared to each of the other groups) Total time includes a three minute warm up. CONCLUSIONS: Subjects were able to determine an appropriate Boer 1 - 5 protocol and calculated VO2peak was discreet between participants in each protocol. Treadmill time remained similar in each group, which does not occur when existing maximal protocols are used to determine aerobic fitness in subjects of varying fitness levels. Preliminary evidence would suggest that this is a viable method to test aerobic fitness in the population.

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