
The design of bio-molecular systems within cell, it is a recently achievement of synthetic biology. Due to the structurity theory (Zeng, 1996) of synthetic biosystems and applied system genetics Bangzhe, 1994: 1).structure integration, cordinative organization of genes network in genome; 2).function adaptation, duplication (amplify) and specific expression of genome involved in cell signalling; 3).construct stratification, multiple stratum of genome constructed by transpose, recombination and amplification. We developed the techniques of the Sequence Tagged Fragments Display (STFD) for analysis of genes differential expression between cell types, which will be very useful in systems medicine (Zeng, 1995) and systems bioengineering (Zeng, 1994). The geneticmodified cell or bionic designed cell is an bio-molecular nano-machine, which can be used as cell nano-factory, or used as cell nano-computer. A kind of cell machine of bio-molecular complexity, it is constructed of molecules module, ADP-ATP energy system and information system of genes. To design signal transduction networks and synthesis gene regulatory structures of cells, we applied the technological integration of micro-fluidic biochips worked for drug discovery, isolation of non-known sequence gene, and design of cellular bioreactor or micro-nano systems of cells communication.

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