
The aim of the work described here was to investigate the association of the stromal proportion with the elasticity obtained by 2-D shear wave elastography (SWE) and the diagnostic value of elasticity in evaluating tumor stromal fibrosis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Patients who met inclusion criteria underwent pre-operative 2-D SWE examination and intra-operative determination of hardness by palpation from July 2021 to November 2022, and the post-operative specimens were used to evaluate pathological features including the tumor stromal proportion. A receiver operating characteristic curve was created to evaluate its diagnostic value in differentiating the degree of tumor stromal fibrosis. The 2-D SWE measurements in pancreatic lesions were successful in 62 of 69 patients (89.9%). A total of 52 eligible participants were enrolled for subsequent correlation analysis. Elasticity correlated well with tumor stromal proportion (rs=0.646) and number of tumor cells (rs=-0.585) in PDAC. Moreover, pancreatic elasticity determined by 2-D SWE, palpation-determined hardness and tumor stromal proportion were well correlated with each other. Two-dimensional SWE could clearly distinguish mild and severe stromal fibrosis, and its diagnostic performance was better than that determined by palpation even though the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.103). The elasticity of PDAC obtained using 2-D SWE was closely related to stromal proportion and tumor cellularity and could clearly be used to diagnose the degree of stromal fibrosis, which indicates that 2-D SWE can be a non-invasive predictive imaging biomarker in personalization of therapy and monitoring of treatment.

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