
Five isolates of Trichoderma atroviride and one isolate each of T. virens, T. harzianum and T. cerinum were tested for in vivo biological control of white root rot of avocado ( Rosellinia necatrix). Five of these Trichoderma isolates were previously selected as possible biological control agents on the basis of their capacity to control the disease and high levels of colonization of the avocado rhizoplane. Combinations of the five selected isolates were evaluated on cellophane for compatibility with each other and T. virens CH 303 was eliminated because of a high incompatibility with other Trichoderma isolates. The four remaining isolates, all T. atroviride, were tested singly and in combination for their capacity to control avocado white root rot. Isolate CH 304.1 provided the highest levels of control when tested singly or in combination with isolate CH 101.

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