
Abstract Different trap types and attractant compositions were tested with the goal of attracting as many individuals of Hylobius abietis as possible while assuring a minimal bycatch of nontarget species with regard to the family Carabidae on three study sites in the east of Germany. The results revealed a modified pitfall trap based on a model by Nordlander (1987, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2, 199–213.) as the most effective trap type with a high degree of selectivity and minimal ecological side effects. The modified Nordlander trap is suitable for potential H. abietis mass trapping as an instrument of integrated pest management. Two field trials testing different attractant compositions showed that a simple attractant combination of (−)‐α‐pinene and ethanol is as effective as other more complex combinations and thus preferable for mass trapping efforts. The addition of the monoterpenes camphene, Δ‐3‐carene, ocimene and terpinolene to the combination of (−)‐α‐pinene and ethanol did not increase trapping numbers significantly. Trapping numbers of H. abietis indicate that a reduction of the local H. abietis population by trapping is possible, though further research about the influence of mass trapping on regeneration damage is recommended.

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