
AbstractA growing number of intensive irrigated production systems of the almond crop have been established in recent years. However, there is little information regarding the crop water requirements. Remote sensing-based models such as the two-source energy balance (TSEB) have proven to be reliable ways to accurately estimate actual crop evapotranspiration. However, few efforts have been made to validate the transpiration with sap flow measurements in woody row crops with different production systems and water status. In this study, the TSEB Priestley-Taylor (TSEB-PT) and contextual approach (TSEB-2T) models were assessed to estimate canopy transpiration. In addition, the effect of applying a basic clumping index for heterogeneous randomly placed clumped canopies and a rectangular hedgerow clumping index on the TSEB transpiration estimation was assessed. The TSEB inputs were obtained from high resolution multispectral and thermal imagery using an unmanned aerial vehicle. The leaf area index (LAI), stem water potential (Ψstem) and fractional intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (fIPAR) were also measured. Significant differences were observed in transpiration between production systems and irrigation treatments. The combined use of the TSEB-2T with the C&N-R transmittance model gave the best transpiration estimations for all production systems and irrigation treatments. The use of in situ PAR transmittance in the TSEB-2T model significantly improved the root mean squared error. Thus, the better agreement observed with the TSEB when using the C&N-R model and in situ PAR transmittance highlights the importance of improving radiative transfer models for shortwave canopy transmittance, especially in woody row crops.

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