
AbstractThree-dimensional image reconstruction from a set of sequence of two-dimensional medical images plays a key role in analysing the anatomy of a human body. These 2D medical images are obtained through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET) and other modalities of 3D imaging. This paper discusses evaluation of few tools available to reconstruct a 3D image from a set of 2D images. The tools considered for evaluation are: 3D Slicer, MITK, InVesalius, RadiAnt, Real3d VolViCon, ITK-SNAP and Volume Viewer. The evaluation parameters considered in this paper for making a comparative study are: data import facility, data export facility, handling metadata, 2D viewing facility, 3D viewing facility and technical support provided by the developers of the respective tool. These tools do not allow additional 3D image processing algorithms other than existing functionalities of the respective tools; 3D Logical Image Processing System (3DLIPS) allows people to implement their own 3D image processing algorithms. This paper also discusses various functionalities and algorithms supported by 3DLIPS.Keywords3D model reconstructionCellular logic array processingMathematical morphology

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