
Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385-1465) is a medical scholar who wrote the first illustrated surgical book (Cerrahiyetü'l Haniyye [Imperial Surgery]) in the history of Turkish and Islamic medicine. Sabuncuoğlu benefited from the books of medical scholars before him and translated the book et-Tasreef of Abul-Qasim Khalaf Ibn Abbas Alzahrawi (Albucasis), which was the most important surgical book of its time. In this study, the urinary system disease sections of the textbook by Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu were examined. Cerrahiyetü'l Haniyye and et-Tasreef were evaluated by comparative textual analysis methodology in terms of urinary system diseases and its treatments. The textbooks contain the same definitions of the cauterization of the kidney, cauterization of the urinary bladder, the treatment of urine retention, bladder irrigation with the syringe, and the forms of the instruments for the extraction of a stone from men and women. Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu made additions to the kidney and bladder cauterization and bladder irrigation sections. Colorful miniatures containing images of the procedures performed on the patients are found in Cerrahiyetü'l Haniyye. The urinary system disease section in Cerrahiyetü'l Haniyye is a translation of et-Tasreef in general, with some additional information and drawings. The surgical instruments and procedures described by both physicians have reached the present day with changes.

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