
Purpose . To analyze collection samples by yield, protein and starch content in grain, its granulometric composition and highlight valuable sources for creating varieties sui­table for bioethanol processing. Methods. To assess the collection material, field, laboratory, measurement and weight, mathematical and statistical research methods were used. The analysis of chemical quality indicators of triticale grain was carried out by infrared spectrometry on an Infratec 1241 device. The size of starch granules was determined by light microscopy and using the ImageJ computer program. Statistical processing of the obtained research results was carried out with the introduction of the computer program Statistica 6. Results. The results of studies on the collection of winter triticale by the main signs of suitability for bioethanol processing are presented. The grain yield in collection samples on average over the years of research ranged from 3.69 to 5.17 t/ha. The best samples were identified – numbers 181, 101, 185, 219 and the variety ’Arystokrat’ with a yield of 5.01–5.17 t/ha. By the high starch content numbers 123 (69.5%), 101 (69.8%) and the varieties ‘Petrol’ (69.0%), ‘Solodiuk’ (70.1%) and ‘Liubomyr’ (70.3%) were selected. A moderate negative correlation was found between yield and protein content (r = -0.37) and a significant negative correlation was found between starch and protein content (r = -0.64). The analysis of collection samples of winter triticale by granulometric starch composition was carried out. Maximum size of starch granules in the collection samples ranged from 19.4 to 32.7 µm, the minimum – 9.9 to 15.7 µm, and the variability range for the average size of granules was 15.4–20.0 µm. Varieties ‘Yasha’ and ‘Mundo’ were distinguished by the smal­lest average granule size of starch (15.4 and 15.6 µm) and uniformity of particle size distribution. Conclusions . Sources of valuable traits were identified by high productivity, starch content and aligned and fine granule size distribution. A moderate correlation between productivity and protein content and a significant negative correlation between starch and protein content was revealed.


  • A moderate negative correlation was found between yield and protein content

  • a significant negative correlation was found between starch and protein content

  • Sources of valuable traits were identified by high productivity

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