
Analysis of the sensitivity of soils to acidification caused by the deposition of atmospheric pollutants has been one of the major scientific issues in Europe during the past few decades. In the present study, critical loads of acid deposition were calculated using the most accurate datasets available at present for European soils, by the “Simple Mass Balance” method. The results show that the soils most sensitive to acid deposition are Histosols, Cryosols and Podzols in cold areas in northern countries, followed by Lithic and Haplic Leptosols (Dystric) developed on acid parent materials. The highest critical loads corresponded to soils developed over calcareous rocks and soils in areas subject to high precipitation, even those dominated by poorly weatherable primary mineral. In the latter case critical alkalinity leaching is the main variable that determines the value of critical loads, because of the buffering action of the dissolution of aluminium compounds. The results were compared with those obtained by the Stockholm Environmental Institute in the same area, but with a different method of analysis. It was found that the results are highly dependent on the method used to perform the analysis.

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