
Despite their advantages in analysis, 4D NMR experiments are still infrequently used as a routine tool in protein NMR projects due to the long duration of the measurement and limited digital resolution. Recently, new acquisition techniques for speeding up multidimensional NMR experiments, such as nonlinear sampling, in combination with non-Fourier transform data processing methods have been proposed to be beneficial for 4D NMR experiments. Maximum entropy (MaxEnt) methods have been utilised for reconstructing nonlinearly sampled multi-dimensional NMR data. However, the artefacts arising from MaxEnt processing, particularly, in NOESY spectra have not yet been clearly assessed in comparison with other methods, such as quantitative maximum entropy, multidimensional decomposition, and compressed sensing.We compared MaxEnt with other methods in reconstructing 3D NOESY data acquired with variously reduced sparse sampling schedules and found that MaxEnt is robust, quick and competitive with other methods. Next, nonlinear sampling and MaxEnt processing were applied to 4D NOESY experiments, and the effect of the artefacts of MaxEnt was evaluated by calculating 3D structures from the NOE-derived distance restraints. Our results demonstrated that sufficiently converged and accurate structures (RMSD of 0.91Å to the mean and 1.36Å to the reference structures) were obtained even with NOESY spectra reconstructed from 1.6% randomly selected sampling points for indirect dimensions. This suggests that 3D MaxEnt processing in combination with nonlinear sampling schedules is still a useful and advantageous option for rapid acquisition of high-resolution 4D NOESY spectra of proteins.

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