
The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of internet addiction, an ever-increasing phenomenon, on success and grit in academics. This descriptive cross-sectional study was completed by reaching participants on social media platforms, using socio-demographic information, grade point averages (GPA), internet addiction scale, and the academic grit scale. No difference was found between the median scores of GPA, the academic grit scale, and the internet addiction scale according to the field of study (p-values = 0.360, 0.539, and 0.170, respectively). There was a difference between the median scores of the academic grit scale according to gender (p=0.025). There was also a statistically significant positive and very weak relationship between the grade point average and the academic grit scale (r=0. 096 and p=0.041). Therefore, when there is a desire to increase academic success and academic grit, different methods should be considered rather than increasing internet use and thus addiction. Key Words: Academic success, Grit, Internet, Internet addiction.

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