
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Reciprocal Teaching Style (hereinafter R.T.S.), in basic strokes of tennis, such as forehand, backhand and service, and at the same time to investigate whether it affects the development of motor skills. The first part of the research consisted of 102 children aged 14-15 years with no previous experience in Tennis. There were held 12 lessons for the first two strokes (forehand and backhand) and then 8 lessons for the service to students in 6 classes of third -grade Junior High School students in 2 different schools. The sample members were divided into two groups (experimental and control), and the data were processed in the statistical program IBM SPSS 24 using the t-test for independent samples before and after the intervention with a significance level of (p <.05). The survey showed that the performance of the participants was improved in tennis in the forehand, backhand and service in both teams (especially in the E.G.), after finding a statistically significant difference in the scores (increasing the mean of consecutive strokes and accuracy). In the second part of the research, the sample consisted of 408 students aged 12-15, 204 students in High Schools of the Municipalities of Tanagra and Chalkida, as well as 204 from tennis clubs of the Municipalities of Larissa, Chalkida and Thebes. A detailed plan of one hour reciprocal teaching was applied to the 3 main aforementioned tennis strokes and at the end the participants were given as a measuring tool, anonymously and confidentially the questionnaire of Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) by McAuley et al. (1989). Data processing in IBM SPSS 24 via one-way variance analysis (One-Way Anova) gave the results: There is a statistically significant difference between the first-grade and second-grade High School classes in the effort which is due to a systematic factor and the pleasure, the perceived ability, the pressure, the attitude / opinion towards tennis, the intention to try tennis and the physical activity are influenced by the highest level of education completed by the father.

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