
Relevance. The productivity and especially the quality of flax products largely depend on a set of technological techniques that take into account varietal characteristics, agrochemical properties of the soil and the fertilizers used. Identification of the reaction to the production process of a new high-yielding flax variety of Universal is an important element of agricultural technology.Methods. The sod-podzolic medium loamy soil is characterized by a slightly acidic reaction of the soil solution pHKCl-5.44, a very high content of phosphorus (298 mg/kg) and medium potassium (85 mg/kg), low humus — 2.05%, medium boron (0.33 mg/kg), low zinc (0.56 mg/kg). The HTC (hydrothermal coefficient) for May — August by year was — 1.56 optimal (2017), — 1.09 arid (2018), — 1.80 wet(2019).Results. Studies have shown that the Universal flax variety has a high responsiveness to the use of fertilizers. The yield increases were: for flax straw 24 to 43%, for flax seeds from 27 to 49%, depending on the form of fertilizer and the method of their application. The advantage of the complex organomineral OMU “Universal” and mineral nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium with boron containing trace elements over the azofoska in equalized doses of nitrogen is noted. The increase in the yield of the flax stock of thesefertilizers with the row method of application was lower by 40 and 34% of their main application, but the profitability of this method increased from 46 to 234% and from 62 to 219%. The application of organic fertilizer Sivid — Bor for seed treatment and Sivid-Zinc for crop processing on the background of reducing the dose of azofoski from 1.5 to 1.0 c/ha allowed to raise close to making azofoski of 1.5 c/ha, but with a greater profitability of 115%.

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