
AIM: To assess the psychometric qualities of the methodology for identifying signs of deviant behavior in military personnel developed at the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy.
 MATERIALS AND METHODS: The ISADA method is a screening questionnaire for assessing the presence of a propensity for deviant forms of behavior in military personnel. The questionnaire was developed at the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy. The abbreviation ISADA was used as a name for the methodology, consisting of the names of its main scales Avoidance, Suicidality, Aggressiveness, Delinquency and Addictiveness. The questionnaire consists of 60 questions directly related to well-being, behavior or character, to which the subject must answer only yes or no. Also, the Dynamic Observation Questionnaire and the Questionnaire for Evaluating the Professionally Important Qualities of a Serviceman were used to determine the success of the military professional activities of servicemen.
 RESULTS: According to the results of the assessment of the psychometric qualities of the technique for identifying signs of deviant behavior in military personnel, the majority (from 75 to 95%) did not reveal a tendency to deviant (deviant) forms of behavior. The scales of the ISADA questionnaire generally comply with the requirements of the Guidelines for the development, examination, implementation and use of professional psychological selection methods in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
 CONCLUSION: The ISADA method has a high social significance, since its application will allow diagnosing the propensity of military personnel to deviant (deviant) forms of behavior. This technique can be recommended for use. In the course of the practical use of the ISADA methodology, it is advisable to continue work on assessing its predictive validity.

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