
The present study was aimed to investigate the pre-treatment effect of Centella asiatica (CeA) extract on long-term potentiation (LTP) in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A total of 32 male Wistar rats weighing 380 ± 30 g were randomly divided into four groups (n = 8). Group 1 (C: Control): the control group. Group 2 (L: Lesion): The nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM) of rats’ brain was bilaterally destroyed by injection of Ibotenic acid. Group 3 (CeA): Animals in this group received the CeA leaf extract for only a period of six weeks. Group 4 (CeA + L): The NBM of rats was destroyed by Ibotenic acid after six weeks of a diet containing the CeA leaf extract. In all groups, LTP was recorded using the electrophysiological technique and fEPSP after high frequency stimulation (HFS). The results showed that the slope and amplitude of PS as well as the sub-curve level significantly increased in the CeA + L group compared with the L and CeA groups. The CeA extract improved and strengthened the slope, amplitude and sub-curve surface of cumulative waves in animals with NBM lesion. The results showed that administration CeA extract for six weeks before induction of NBM lesion and induction of Alzheimer could enhance memory. In other words, the CeA extract had a preventive or protective role. The present study showed that CeA had a protective role for neurons among rats with NBM lesion.

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