
Link for citation: Lambin A.I., Averkina E.V., Erygina A.N., Averkin N.A. Evaluation of the possibility of using spent turbine oil as a lubricating additive in drilling mud. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Аssets Engineering, 2023, vol. 334, no. 10, рр. 169-178. In Rus. The relevance. The consumption of lubricants and, as a result, the volume of used oils increases annually. As a result, large volumes of them are accumulated, which require standard methods of handling them. It is known that oils, including waste ones, are used as lubricating additives to drilling mud. The practice of recent years has shown the expediency of replacing lubricating additives with used lubricating oils, which would ensure the preservation of the main and the achievement of new properties. This article presents the results of a study of micelle-forming solutions under the influence of Na and K salts on their filtration and crust-forming properties. The main aim: evaluation of the possibility of using spent turbine oil in the drilling mud as a component of a lubricating additive, as well as its effect on the main parameters of the drilling mud; study of the effect of oil, ether and salt interaction on the filtration and crust-forming properties of drilling mud. Objects: spent turbine engine oils selected at the drilling site during the construction of the well. Methods. Drilling mud indicators were measured. Water, technical oil and ether were used to form micelles. The studies were carried out using the methodology of a complete factor experiment, in which the studied effects of salt in solutions were approximated in the form of first-order polynomials. Results. By comparing the first coefficients of the polynomial models, a significant effect of sodium chloride on the rheological and filtration properties of solutions and the stickiness of their filtration films was revealed. The effect of chlorides on a group of eight solutions in different oil fractions was statistically confirmed, for which the Student and Mann–Whitney criteria were used. The paper introduces the graphical interpretation of some approximations of the equations of the effect the solution ingredients interaction on the response value.

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