
Physiological indicators such as lipid peroxidation and enzymes involved in aerobic/anaerobic energy metabolism were measured in pure and hybrid lines of wolffish juveniles (Anarhichas minor, ♀ A. minor ⨯ ♀ A. lupus). Interspecific hybridization was introduced as a powerful tool to promote augmentation of phenotypic variability and consequently improve our capacity for the detection of clear physiological relationships amongst oxidative stress and metabolic characters. Mitochondrial sequence genes analysis between the Atlantic (A. lupus) and spotted wolffish (A. minor) were later performed to further assess the extent of divergence between A. lupus and A. minor mitochondrial haplotypes. The observed divergences (2.0% and the number of nonsynonymous substitution n=23) do not seem to be sufficient to generate detectable differences in ETS complexes catalytic capacities. Total LDH activity was however higher in hybrids than in the pure strands and tightly correlated to TBARS levels which suggest that LDH actively participates to the regulation of cellular redox status. Our results are discussed in comparison with a similar study on a charr hybrid (Salvelinus alpinus × S. fontinalis).


  • The mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is an essential pathway where energy is produced through a succession of linked redox reactions

  • The overall nucleotide divergence between the two complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genomes of A. minor and A. lupus is estimated at 2.0%

  • This study clearly demonstrates that hybridization does nenoztyamffeesctsttuhdeieddevineloFp1mAe.ntmalinpoartte!rnAo. flutphues mitochondrial hybrid as no major distortion in the measured aerobic enzymatic profiles was observed between pure and hybrid lines

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The mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is an essential pathway where energy is produced through a succession of linked redox reactions. Considering the potential existence of a divergence threshold above which hybrid breakdown is detected, more precise mitochondrial gene sequences analyses are required as well as further assessment of the impacts of amino acid substitutions on metabolic functions and ROS production. We performed a comparative sequence analysis of mitochondrial genes of Atlantic and spotted wolffish to identify the distribution of mutational differences across both genomes by exploring the results of Johnstone et al [17].

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