
Background: Binders play on important role in providing compactness and hardness to the complete feed block (CFB). Hardness of the block is also important to increase the durability of the block. In this view, the present comprehensive study is being taken up to evaluate the effect of different binders on the physical characteristics of the complete feed blocks. Methods: The complete feed is formulated to contain 10.5% CP and 55% TDN based on ICAR-2013 requirements. Feed blocks were prepared with sorghum stover (Roughage to concentrate ratio 50:50) using different binders such as molasses (M), guar meal (GM) and condensed distillery soluble (CDS) at different levels @ 6%, 8% and 10%. The complete feed mixtures were densified into blocks in horizontal feed block-making machine at 1500 psi for a dwell time of one minute. The feed blocks were stored for 48 hr to dry and evaluated for the physical and drying characteristics. Result: The bulk density and durability was higher (P less than 0.001) in M-8, M-10 and GM-10 feed blocks. The GM-8 blocks had higher bulk density (P less than 0.001) but less durable (P less than 0.001) than the other feed blocks. Durability and bulk density of GM-10 and M-10 blocks were comparable with M-8 feed blocks but the PCE of GM-10 and M-10 blocks was 11.61 and 10.75% higher than the M-8 blocks, respectively. CDS when included at 6, 8 or 10% as a binder, the blocks could not be prepared. Based on these results it was concluded that molasses at 8% is best for preparation of the CFBs.

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