
The ornithological importance of the Alyki Kitrous wetland (Macedonia, Greece) is evaluated for five groups of birds of special conservation interest by comparison with existing criteria. Ten raptor species (six protected in the EC) occurred but in small numbers. Herons also occurred in small numbers, but wintering great white egrets Egretta alba and wintering and summering spoon-bills Platalea leucorodia occurred in numbers of international importance. Waterfowl were especially abundant in winter, but Alyki was of international importance only for shelduck Tadorna tadorna, although in the past it had also been important for Eurasian wigeons Anas penelope. Alyki was also nationally important for the most abundant wintering anatid species, and for overall numbers, and has been occasionally important for coots. Waders were most abundant in spring migration: avocets Recurvirostra avosetta (during most of the year) and collared-pratincoles Glareola pratincola (in summer) occurred in internationally important numbers. Of breeding waders the same species were important in numbers both internationally and nationally. The latter category also included black-winged stilts Himantopus himantopus. Larids formed one of the most abundant groups, and Alyki was internationally important for particular breeding species such as Mediterranean gulls Larus melanocephalus and gull-billed terns Gelochelidon nilotica. It was also nationally important for breeding common Sterna hirundo and little S. albifrons terns and wintering and breeding slender-billed gulls Larus genei. The Alyki Kitrous wetland is threatened by illegal building and unscheduled development of the salines in the area. Priority conservation measures are proposed.

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