
Introduction: The aim of our study was to identify oral pathologies, determine their frequencies and assess the oral care needs of hemophilia patients in Cameroon. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2021 to June 2021 in the approved Hemophilia Treatment Centres in Cameroon, one in the Yaounde University Teaching Hospital and the other one in the Gynaeco-obstetric and Paediatric Hospital of Douala. A survey form was used to collect data for the description of our sample. The patients’s files were useful for additional information. Mucosal, dental and periodontal conditions were described using the hygiene indices of Silness and Loë, DMFT and CPITN. The data were entered into the Google forms mask and analysed using SPSS 20. Results: A total of 52 hemophiliac patients were included in our study, all of them males aged between 15 months and 42 years. The mean age of our sample was 14.6 years old ± 10.7. The CAO index was 1.71. 88.46% had episodes of gingivorrhagia caused by brushing. Only 21.15% had a history of dental consultations. Only 7.69% had good hygiene. The oral pathologies encountered were gingivitis 78.85% and periodontitis 1.92%. Conclusion: In view of these results, it would be necessary to integrate regular oral care into the follow-up of haemophilia patients in order to improve their quality of life.

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