
In Mali, particularly in CHU Gabriel TOURE, organization of block activities is always problematic due to operative programming ignorance by staff of sector and other proximity, thus causing a blow to the good functioning of block. Objectives: Determine the knowledge level of staff intervening in block; to describe the existence of block operative charter functioning, know the existence of block operative components, Analyze the unrolling operative program. Methodology: We carried out a prospect, descriptive and transversal study to CHU Gabriel TOURE close to staff practicing to the operative blocks and other relation services; the sampling was probabilistic, based on systematic random technic. Result: Decisional proceedings and coordination in the block are ignored by the all respondent staff (100%). 50, 57% of respondent staff have witnessed the inobservance of hygiene rules concerning the patient, professionals, staffs in training, visitors, equipments, locals and environment. 75, 87% of respondents have testified a specify date and hour existence of programming meetings, but which are not surely respected according to 58, 63% of those same respondents. As far as 72, 44% have testified a fix hour existence to the bloc opening while.77, 01% have found regular hour inexistence to the startup of program. It also exists that a room is defined for each specialty working in the block say 65, 52% of respondent staff. 63, 22% of respondents affirmed that there is no own channel pour patient and material. Moreover it states that none of investigated staff does not know the responsible of block team coordination (100%). There are no established punishments at the block also supporting modalities of dysfunction and conflicts, respectively say 57, 48% and 70, 12% of respondent staff. 100% of respondents testified collegiality’s absence in operative; programming meeting and that 51,72% of respondent staff judged that topics reading are not done during programming meeting ...

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