
The Technology Licensing Office (TLO) face several challenges, and one of them is related to the commercialization of technologies created by Scientific and Technological Institutions (STI), specifically regarding the valuation of technologies with market potential. This involves assigning a monetary value to the technologies to enable their negotiation for transfer to the productive sector. The objective of this study was to evaluate the main methods or valuation models of technology applied to intellectual property as a means of supporting the commercialization and technology transfer processes in TLOs. The research methodology used to conduct this study on valuation methods applicable to TLOs was a systematic literature review. As a result, a guide was developed, consisting of a few questions, which allows for a quick review to select, in a clear and objective manner, the most appropriate technology valuation method to be applied, taking into account the interests of the evaluator. In this way, the main technology valuation methods were identified, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages of each of the models addressed in this study.

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