
The aim of this study was to understand the cause of Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) bias in the High Resolution Atmospheric Model (HiRAM) driven by observed SST through process-oriented diagnosis. Wavenumber-frequency power spectrum and composite analyses indicate that HiRAM underestimates the spectral amplitude over the MJO band and mainly produces non-propagating rather than eastward-propagating intraseasonal rainfall anomalies, as observed. Column-integrated moist static energy (MSE) budget analysis is conducted to understand the MJO propagation bias in the simulation. It is found that the bias is due to the lack of a zonally asymmetric distribution of the MSE tendency anomaly in respect to the MJO convective center, which is mainly attributable to the bias in vertical MSE advection and surface turbulent flux. Further analysis suggests that it is the unrealistic simulation of MJO vertical circulation anomalies in the upper troposphere as well as overestimation of the Rossby wave response that results in the bias.摘要本研究评估了高分辨率大气环流模式HiRAM模拟的MJO. 结果表明, HiRAM模拟的MJO东传很弱. 我们通过计算整层积分的湿静力能 (MSE) 收支来诊断MJO东传模拟偏差的原因. 结果发现, MSE倾向相对于MJO对流中心的纬向非对称分布很弱是导致东传模拟偏弱的原因, 这主要是由MSE垂直平流和地表湍流通量的模拟偏差造成的. 进一步研究表明, 对流层上层MJO垂直环流结构的模拟偏差和MJO对流西侧的Rossby波环流偏强共同导致了模式的偏差. 本研究中指出的MJO传播模拟偏差的原因与之前基于多模式结果的结论不同, 这意味着要想了解特定模式的模拟偏差, 有必要对该模式进行具体分析.

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