
A discoid lateral meniscus (DLM) is associated with increased risk for meniscal tears and progression of knee joint osteoarthritis. Our aim was to differentiate knee joint morphology between patients with and without a DLM, as a function of skeletal maturity, using magnetic (MR) imaging. This was a retrospective analysis of MR images of the knee for 110 patients, 6-49years of age. Of these, 62 were in the open physis group (38 with a DLM) and 48 in the closed physis group (23 with a DLM). The following morphological parameters were measured: anterior obliquity of the lateral tibial plateau (AOLTP), posterior obliquity of the lateral tibial plateau (POLTP), the lowest point of the lateral femoral condyle (LPLFC), and the posterior lateral condylar angle (PLCA). Regardless of skeletal maturity, a DLM was associated with a greater inclination of the POLTP, lateralization of the LPLFC, and smaller PLCA (p < 0.001 for all compared to that of the control group). In the DLM group, the inclination of the AOLTP and the POLTP were significantly smaller (p < 0.001) and the LPLFC was more lateral (p < 0.001) in the closed physis group than in the open physis group. In the control group, the inclination of the POLTP was larger (p < 0.001) and the PLCA smaller (p = 0.019) in the open than in the closed physis group. We identified a characteristic knee morphology among patients with a complete DLM using MR imaging, which was observed before physeal closure and persisted after skeletal maturity was attained. We also noted lateralization of the LPLFC in the presence of a DLM, with an increase in lateralization with skeletal maturation. Case-control study, III.

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