
The article draws a comparison between Russian official and expert foreign policy discourses, focusing on representations of the power balance and relations between major states as the defining features of international system. The author attempts to identify actual and potential contribution of academics in the Russian foreign policy thinking. Conceptual documents and programme statements of national leadership elevate the notion of 'polycentric world' as a value in itself, which guides national actions on international arena. Although, until the late 2000s its rise was perceived as a welcome, but remote prospect, since the U.S. failures in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as global financial crisis expectations regarding it construction increased. They are accompanied, however, by a more critical appraisal of the concept. The mainstream Russian expert community shares normative appreciation of the polycentric global system as an intrinsic good. It also nourishes expectations of its emergence with almost inevitable certainty. Most of the time, it does not take into account concerns incorporated in the Western IR theories, regarding destabilizing effect of competition between multiple centers of power. The article demonstrates that both Russian political leadership and expert community perceive polycentric system as an international 'great power concert', which is just one and relatively rare form of it. It requires not only virtual parity in capabilities of several players, but also the lack of serious disputes among them. Meanwhile, in the Russia academic community there is a place for a critical tradition, which associates current decentralization of the international system with its chaotization and weakening governance. In recent years this approach gains additional prominence. However, the Russian debates on global order lacks more elaborated discussion regarding sources of power in international system as well as explanation of the binding ties, which would facilitate creation of concert rather than competition among emerging powers.


  • The mainstream Russian expert community shares normative appreciation of the polycentric global system as an intrinsic good. It nourishes expectations of its emergence with almost inevitable certainty. It does not take into account concerns incorporated in the Western IR theories, regarding destabilizing effect of competition between multiple centers of power

  • The article demonstrates that both Russian political leadership and expert community perceive polycentric system as an international ‘great power concert’, which is just one and relatively rare form of it

  • In the Russia academic community there is a place for a critical tradition, which associates current decentralization of the international system with its chaotization and weakening governance

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Московский государственный институт международных отношений МИД РФ. 119454, Россия, Москва, проспект Вернадского, 76. В статье проводится сравнение российского официального и экспертного внешнеполитических дискурсов на примере осмысления одной из важнейших характеристик глобальной системы – соотношения центров силы и принципов выстраивания отношений между ними. Для большей части российского экспертного сообщества характерно признание прескриптивного значения полицентричной организации системы при одновременном позитивном ожидании его формирования как почти неизбежной перспективы. В международного порядка, автор стремится настоящей статье делается попытка провести к выявлению добавочных знаний в работах сравнение на частном примере осмысления од- отечественных авторов, которые могут дополной из важнейших характеристик глобальной нить или скорректировать представления посистемы – соотношения центров силы и прин- литического руководства страны в отношении ципов выстраивания отношений между ними. Отдельные отечественные авторы выделясовпадения их интересов снижается, а значит, ют различные события в качестве «точки расхосокращается переговорное поле для дости- ждения» американских ожиданий построения жения компромисса между всеми влиятель- моноцентрического мира и реальности: в то ными участниками международной системы. В одних работах подобная перспектива центров силы обозначается в качестве модифицированной

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