
The herbicide 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid (2,4-DB) is principally used in the USA on peanuts, soybeans and alfalfa. In Europe, it is used on undersown spring barley and grassland (with clover). The genetic toxicity in vitro of the dimethylamine salt of 2,4-DB was examined by employing a range of end points including gene mutation in bacteria (Ames test) and mammalian cell cultures (CHO/HGPRT assay), cytogenetic abnormalities in mammalian cells (CHO/chromosomal aberration assay), and induction of DNA damage and repair in rat hepatocytes. There were no indications of genotoxic potential for 2,4-DB in the first three of these assays. One of the two criteria for a positive response in the UDS assay was exceeded but the increases did not exceed the second criteria for a positive response. The test material was therefore evaluated as weakly active in this assay. The weight of the evidence clearly indicates that 2,4-DB is not genotoxic to mammals and are consistent with the reported lack of carcinogenic potential for 2,4-DB in both mice and rats.

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