
The sea traffic separation chart or what is commonly called the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) is generally used to assist international shipping navigation and is also part of a country’s maritime zone as mandated in UNCLOS 1982. In this case, Indonesia has implemented TSS in the Sunda Strait and in the Lombok Strait on 1 July 2020. The Directorate General of Sea Transportation, the Ministry of Transportation is the leading agency responsible for enforcement of the scheme through the Directorate of Navigation and the Directorate has established the Merak Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) system in the Province of Banten to monitor the Sunda Strait and VTS Benoa in the Province of Bali to monitor the Lombok Strait. Since the implementation of the TSS in the Sunda Strait until now, it turns out that there are still many ships that do not comply with the traffic procedures in the TSS as regulated in such a way. The research suggestion that violations in addition to administrative sanctions for those ships who commit violations, also implement a violation reporting system application to speed up the process of reports from VTS Operators to related officials.

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