
The hygienic performances of the processes for the production of cooled carcasses at eight pork packing plants were assessed from small sets of microbiological data. At each plant, a single sample was obtained from a randomly selected site on each of 25 randomly selected carcasses at each of three stages of processing, which were after polishing, after washing at the end of the dressing process, and after cooling. The aerobic bacteria, coliforms and Escherichia coli recovered from each sample were enumerated. When bacteria of one type were recovered from ≥20 of 25 samples, the log mean number of those bacteria on the population of carcasses undergoing processing was estimated on the assumption that the set of counts was normally distributed. The log of the total number recovered from 25 samples was calculated for each set of counts. The log mean numbers of total aerobic bacteria recovered from the polished carcasses at different plants ranged from about 1.9 to 3.8 log cfu cm −2. At six of the plants, the log mean numbers of total aerobes on the cooled carcasses did not differ substantially from the log mean numbers on the polished carcasses, but the log mean numbers on the cooled carcasses were substantially higher at one plant and substantially lower at another than on the polished carcasses. Coliforms and E. coli were recovered from too few samples in most sets from cooled carcasses for estimation of their log mean numbers. However, the log total numbers of coliforms and E. coli recovered indicated that substantial numbers of those organisms were added to carcasses during the dressing processes at four of the plants, and that the numbers on the carcasses were substantially reduced by the processes for cooling without spraying at two of the plants. At seven of the plants, the total numbers of coliforms and E. coli recovered from cooled carcasses were <3.1 and <2.2 log cfu 2500 cm −2, respectively. The findings indicate that production processes for pig carcasses can be operated to give cooled carcasses with log mean numbers of total aerobes <2 cm −2, and log total numbers of coliforms and E. coli each <1 2500 cm −2.

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