
The purpose of this study was to determine whether normal fetal cardiac anatomy could be successfully demonstrated and congenital heart disease detected transabdominally at 14 to 18 weeks' gestation in fetuses with a nuchal translucency greater than or equal to the 95th percentile. In this retrospective chart review, grayscale images, Z scores, and Doppler evaluations, including pulsed, color, and spectral Doppler imaging, were reviewed to determine whether fetal heart evaluation findings at 14 to 18 weeks' gestation were normal or abnormal. Normal cardiac anatomy was successfully evaluated in 32 of 33 normal cases; only an aortic arch and a ductal arch were not successfully visualized in 1 case. Major congenital heart disease was detected prenatally in 4 abnormal cases. The fetal heart can be successfully evaluated at an earlier gestational age but may be dependent on the skill of the sonographer and reading physician. Maternal decisions can be made earlier in gestation, before the pregnancy is obvious, and can allow planning for a pregnancy that will need to be delivered at a medical center that has a level 3 nursery.

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