
Growth hormone is a key endocrine factor for metabolic adaptations to lactation and optimal reproductive function of the dairy cow. This study aimed to analyze the expression of GH and its receptor (GHR) in ovarian follicles, along with metabolic biomarkers, during the resumption of the postpartum follicular development, and to analyze the immunolocalization and protein expression of GH and GHR in preovulatory follicles. Thirty-six dairy cows were grouped according to the postpartum days (PPD) until the establishment of the first dominant follicle in: cows that established their first dominant follicle at fewer postpartum days (FPPD group; n = 15) and cows that established their first dominant follicle at more postpartum days (MPPD group; n = 22). For a second analysis, the same cows were regrouped according to the calving season (S), into cows calving in autumn (n = 20) and cows calving in winter (n = 17). During the PP, blood and follicular aspirates were obtained at two timepoints (T): when the first dominant follicle was established (T1, day 9 ± 2), and when the preovulatory follicle was established (T2, day 45 ± 2). Also, six dairy cows were ovariectomized in proestrus and ovarian histological sections were obtained. Growth hormone mRNA was detected in granulose cells from ovarian follicle sampled during PP. A PPD × T interaction was observed for GHR mRNA, where it was greater in the FPPD cows than in the MPPD cows at T1. Metabolic biomarkers and reproductive hormones showed differences or interaction between PPD, T, S, depending on the case. Also, GH and GHR were immunolocalized in granulosa and theca interna cells of preovulatory follicles. These results confirm the expression of GH and GHR in the mature ovarian follicles of dairy cows and show a possible association between greater GHR expression and an earlier resumption of postpartum follicular development.

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