
ABSTRACTTrials were conducted to evaluate the anthelmintic effect of a combination of epsiprantel at a dose rate of 5‐5 mg/kg bodyweight and pyrantel pamoate at 5 mg pyrantel base/kg against Toxocara canis in prenatally infected unweaned greyhound pups, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Trichuris vulpis and Dipylidium caninum in naturally infected adolescent greyhounds and Ancylostoma caninum, U stenocephala. Taenia hydatigena and Taenia pisiformis in artificially infected laboratory beagles. The product was well accepted and produced no obvious side effects. Percentage efficacy values based on post mortem worm counts were: T hydatigena 100; T pisiformis 100; D caninum 100; adult T canis 84‐0; adult T leonina 96‐5; immature T leonina 99‐8; U stenocephala 99‐0 and 87‐7; A caninum 92‐7; and T vulpis 43‐3.

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