
Introduction: COVID-19 is a viral disease of the coronavirus family. The virus first attacks the respiratorysystem and then infects important organs such as the heart, liver, brain, kidneys, blood and immune system.This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a diet plan for lung diseases based on traditional Persianmedicine (PM) in patients with pulmonary dysfunction with possible infection with COVID-19.Materials and Methods: This study was performed as a randomized clinical trial in 2020 in the Sevome-Shaban Hospital and Shohada Gomnam Hospital in Tehran, Iran. In this study, patients admitted to thesehospitals were randomly entered into the study. A total of 80 people were included in this study. A normaldiet and a traditional medicine diet were considered for each group of patients. The effectiveness of the dietdesigned for patients was assessed in such a way that the primary outcome of changes in oxygen levels ofCovid 19 patients and the secondary consequences of the number of days of hospitalization and the degree ofchange in respiratory symptoms at discharge compared to hospitalization were examined. Also in this study,the general condition of patients including marital status, type of job, medical history, and drug use wereexamined. Patients enter the study after obtaining consent and will be excluded from the study at any time ifthey wish. Finally, the collected data were evaluated using G-Power. software.Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the use of diet based on traditionalmedicine and length of hospital stay, which has a correlation coefficient of 1.060 at the alpha level of 0.05.There is also a significant relationship between the use of diet based on traditional medicine and the amountof oxygen needed by patients at the alpha level of 0.05 has a correlation coefficient of 1.046. There is anothersignificant relationship between the use of diet based on traditional medicine and the rate of patients’ cough.At the alpha level of 0.05, it has a correlation coefficient of 1.451.Conclusion: According to the results, it can be concluded that the effective use of diet based on traditionalmedicine significantly increases the health of patients (reducing the length of hospital stay, reducing cough,and reducing the severity of oxygen demand in the study group (control In other words, the modified meanof these two groups in these three components (reduction of hospital stay, reduction of cough and reductionof the intensity of oxygen demand) were significantly different.

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