
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess various causes of failure of root canal treatment performed by various groups of operator. Materials and Methods: 200 patients were evaluated, detailed relevant history; Periapical radiograph and clinical examination were recorded. Sample size was calculated through WHO scale. Patients presenting with post treatment symptoms such as pain, tenderness, swelling and sinus formation, were included in this study from June 2017 till May 2018. Teeth which had poor prognosis such as having class 3 mobility, furcation defects were excluded. The mean age group of the included patients was 15-55 years. Statistical analysis was done using IBM SPSS Statistics for windows IBM Corp. Armont, NY. The Fisher exact test and Chi square test was applied where applicable to know the significance. ( P value≤ 0.05 was considered significant). Results: Out of 200 patient evaluated, 105(64.0%) were under obturated, 78 (92.9%) canals were missed, 18(9%) had separated instrument, 54(62.1%) improper coronal restorations. Conclusion: The common causes of failure of root canal treatment were under-obturation, untreated canals and improper coronal restoration. This was found in the patients treated by quacks and fresh graduates.

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