
Amidst the thriving food delivery platforms, stand two of the largest food delivery corporations: Uber Eats and Ele.me, in which are two of the two leading food delivery industries in the U.S and China. Due to the geographical and societal differences between the two countries, their business models deviate from each other. Uber Eats core value is to provide quality food and service, while Ele.mes core value is to provide cheap and valuable discounts for its customers. Uber Eats targets the food deliverers while Ele.me does not. The reasons for these distinctions are mainly because of the differences between the customers of the U.S market and Chinas market, and the infrastructural differences as well. The business model of the companies are successful mainly when accompanied by the right market and right conditions, however, they may not be as successful when under divergent circumstances. This paper shall investigate the differences between the U.S and China to account for their unalike business models.

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