
This study proposes a pro-active approach for evaluations of methylmercury (MeHg), total mercury (THg), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in situ bioaccumulation in fish (Atherinella brasiliensis) muscles, using specimens from the external sector of Guanabara Bay as a study case. This approach included an hierarchical sequence: analysis of the pollutants concentrations and their comparison to safety criteria; correlations between specimens concentrations vs length (as a proxy of exposure time); projections of concentrations in key lengths (sexual maturation, asymptotic, length limits for fishing and median of fish population) through polynomial regressions, dose-response analysis (Probit), decreasing curves and incorporation rates (using only three length intervals). The incorporation rates were ascending for MeHg and THg (continued bioaccumulation) and descending for As, Pb and Cd (possible biological dilution). The projections were satisfactory, evidencing their use for an improvement on the risks monitoring of fishing and fish consumption by humans in coastal environments.

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