
To evaluate the anti-carcinogenic effect of Centella Asiatica on to evaluate the Anti-Carcinogenic Effect of Centella Asiatica on Oral Cancer Cell Line oral cancer cell line. Oral Cancer cell line and normal oral keratinocyte cell line were procured.Centella asiatica extract was prepared. The cells were then subjected to the test herbal specimens -Centella asiatica extract in succeeding concentrations of 25 µg/ml, 50 µg/ml, 100 µg/ml at time intervals of 24,48 and 72 hours. Cisplatin (2 µg/ml, 4 µg/ml, 6 µg/ml, 8 µg/ml) was used as a positive control. This experiment was done in triplets. The study revealed that the p values were less than 0.05 at concentration 12.5µg/ml, 25µg/ml, 50 µg/ml,100 µg/ml and time period of 24hrs,48hrs,72hrs, thus implying that at these concentrations and time period, the obtained data were statistically significant, thus indicating that there is a statistically significantly decreases in the viable cells as the concentration of the drug as a time period increases The results reveals that centella asiatica possess potential effect of anti-carcinogenic, effect when compared to positive control (Cisplatin). The current study reveals that Centella asiatica has an potential anti-carcinogenic effect on oral cancer cell line. So this can be used to treat oral cancer with minimal crippling as compared with allopathic drugs.

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