
Bangka Regency is one of the regencies in Bangka Belitung Province, which has several potentials for improving regional economies, such as agriculture and plantation, fisheries and marine, mining and industry, and tourism. Bridges have an important role in supporting activities in the sector, but there are bridges that are estimated to have critical conditions in Bangka Regency, namely, Air Kanyut Bridge. Special handling is needed in the maintenance and repair of bridges and roads, so all of activities supporting economy can run well. Bridge maintenance conducted with regular and periodic inspections, if there is damage during the inspection, then proceed with a special inspection to determine the required preservation measures. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing through the Directorate General of Bina Marga has a guideline used in conducting bridge inspections, namely Bridge Inspection Guidelines Number 01/P/BM/2022. The guidelines contain general provisions and technical provisions regarding the planning, preparation, and implementation of bridge inspections required for inventory inspection, detailed inspection, routine inspection, and special inspection of bridge conditions.

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