
Aerial photo interpretation can make it easier to detect, identify and delineate the presence of an area so that it can save time and effort and costs to observe directly the area in question. With the presence of satellite images, we can retrieve data from an area without having to visit that area. In this research, the authors use 3 (three) types of satellite image data, namely Landsat 8 satellite image data with an accuracy of 30 meters,. The objectives of this study is to evaluate the rate of accuracy of spatial data in detecting the rate of land change between 2014 and 2019 in Sinjai Regency. This research is closely related to the enumerative induction process (calculation based induction). To find out the level of accuracy of the data from the results of image interpretation, a field check was carried out by taking a sample point of about 20% of the total pixels of 911111 pixels, so that 191 points were obtained which were distribution points for the accuracy test of using image data to evaluate the accuracy level of land cover based on 2019 image data. The overall accuracy test uses the Kappa formula.

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