
BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease is one of the most common non-communicable disease with signicant mortality and morbidity. Thyroid function abnormalities in chronic kidney disease are well known but there are few studies conducted to establish a physiological link between the two conditions. Chronic kidney disease leads to permanent loss of nephrons causing disturbance in the normal homeostasis of the body affecting very system of the body. OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the prevalence of serum low T3 in patients with chronic kidney disease on conservative management. 2.To establish a clinical signicance between low T3 and severity of the disease. METHODS: In this study, 65 patients of chronic kidney disease who were not on haemodialysis were randomly selected. After thorough history and detailed examination, relevant investigations done,which includes blood investigations like renal function tests and an early morning sample was taken to assess the thyroid function. The correlation between T3 levels and chronic kidney disease were studied. Alteration of RESULTS: thyroid function is very common in CKD patients. Low T3 was widely prevalent among these patients amounting to 60% of the sample. It was also evident that the serum T3 fell more severely with the progress of the disease. It is very important to screen all CKD patients CONCLUSION: for thyroid function abnormalities. Low T3 values can be a useful.

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