
Sustainability and its assessment are highly critical to industries, governments and even to customers. Every industrial sector, company, individual and even government and different nations have sustainability goals and commitments. It is inevitable to measure the level of sustainability achievement by all these above-mentioned players and for this, a tool to assess sustainability is highly desirable. Assessment of sustainability is an important topic in any field. Choosing a right tool to suit the needs of different players in the field of sustainability is very much crucial. As mentioned in earlier chapter, sustainability focuses on three major elements namely environmental, economic and social aspects and any assessment technique needs to focus on this triple-line thinking. Sustainability can be assessed for a product/process, project and also for a sector and a country. Assessment tools are classified by various ways. Various authors have classified these tools in various ways according to the ruler/scale/method. Not all tools can be used for textiles and clothing supply chain, and some of the tools are highly evident to assess the sustainability of textile products. This chapter deals with various sustainability tools and their implications in textile industry.

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