
Objective: The aim of the study to evaluated the students' self-directed learning laboratory practices related to Administration of medications procedures (Intramuscular injection, Intravenous injection and oral medication). Methodology: A cross-sectional design was carried out at colleges of nursing in southern of Iraq has been used in the present study in 28th October 2014 to 15th May, 2015. To evaluation of students' self directed learning laboratory practices. The present study was conducted in southern of Iraq at 3 nursing colleges which included (Missan nursing college, Thi-Qar nursing college and Basra nursing college). purposive sample was selected which consist of (90) nursing students (45) male and (45) female and the sample were contain (30) students of first class of every nursing college .The check-list competency evaluation consist of two parts the first one is general information data (3 items) and the second part is observation check list included (73) items include three administration of medication procedure which involve the intramuscular injection (25) items, intravenous injection (28) items and oral medications (20) items that concerned with students self-learning laboratory practices technique and each procedure has three steps of strategy technique (preparation, equipment's and procedure) which considered important steps that must be performed by students .The items concerning students self-directed learning laboratory practices were rated on three levels Likert scale; (satisfy , need more practice and unsatisfied). Reliability of instrument was determined through the use check-list is based on Cronbach's practices, the instrument validity was determined through a panel of experts. The data of present study were analyzed through the application of two statistical approaches. A descriptive statistical approach that includes (frequency,percentage, Mean of score (M.S.) and standard deviation. (SD) and an Inferential statistical approach that includes (ANOVA and t- test). Results: The result of the study indicated that the majority of nursing students have high level of the self-directed learning in laboratory practices, (96.7%) intravenous, (93.3%) intramuscular and (88.9%) oral medications and also the study show non significant relationship between self-learning and their demographic data. Conclusion: The study concluded that the SDL program regarding students' practice concerning the administration of medication is a positive and significance . also the study show there is non significant between self-directed learning and demographic information for nursing students Recommendation: Introduce a policy and supportive plans to assist and encourage personnel of every nursingstudents in the colleges to extensively apply self-directed learning as a method of learning for their professionaland self-development and develop visual aids for learning and set up comprehensive, up-to-date sources oflearning i.e., a library, the internet service, communications room and/or educational technology room – in orderto facilitate convenience for nursing students in searching for information they need for learning and self development.

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