
A study was conducted to find out the best management practice on sesame HT-2 variety against A catalaunalis at the Research Farm of Oilseeds Section, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCSHAU, Hisar during kharif, 2016 and 2017. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with twelve treatments viz., T1- Quinalphos 25% EC @ 2L/ ha; T2- NSKE @ 5% spray; T3- Neem oil @ 2%; T4- Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki @ 1 kg/ ha; T5- First spray of NSKE @ 5% followed by second spray of quinalphos @ 2L/ ha; T6- First spray of neem oil @ 2% followed by second spray of quinalphos @ 2l/ ha; T7- First spray of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki @ 1 kg/ ha followed by second spray of quinalphos @ 2l/ ha; T8 - Intercrop with cluster bean (3:1); T9 - Intercrop with pearl millet (3:1); T10 - Intercrop with cluster bean (3:1) + two sprays of quinalphos; T- Intercrop with pearl millet (3:1) + two sprays of quinalphos; T12 - Untreated control. Observations were made on A catalaunalis larval count before and 5, 10 and 15 days after spray, flower and pod damage at flowering and pod formation stage, respectively. Seed yield at time of harvest was also observed and the data obtained subjected to ANOVA after suitable transformations. Yield obtained was analyzed by paired ‘t’ test. Pooled data revealed that maximum reduction in larval counts was found in treatment sesame intercropped with pearl millet+2 sprays of quinalphos (86.77%) followed by sesame intercropped with cluster bean+ 2 sprays of quinalphos (76.49%) and sesame with 2 sprays of quinalphos (74.99%). Minimum flower (4.45%) and pod damage (3.07%) were observed with the treatment sesame intercropped with pearl millet+ 2 sprays of quinalphos. Maximum seed yield (887.10 kg/ ha) and benefit cost ratio (1.88:1) was observed with sesame intercropped with pearl millet with two sprays of quinalphos. This treatment was found to be the most effective, and thus, sesame intercropped with pearl millet can be incorporated with two sprays of quinalphos for best cost benefits.

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