
Soil, length of dry period and forest cover data were used as baseline information for indentifying constraints and potentials for forest development. Forest occupies 5.7 M.ha in the state. Deciduous forest are spread in large area (3.2 Mha) followed by degraded/scrub forest (2.4 Mha) and semi evergreen forests occur in very limited extent. Area distribution pattern of both deciduous and degraded forest types are high in Telengana region followed by coastal and low spread in Rayalseema region. Soils varied from shallow ( 150 cm) depth and dry period from 4 to >9 months across the state. Soil depth and length of dry period are identified as major constraints for forest development. About 2.01 lakh ha forest area which is currently identified as degraded scrub forests have potential to develop into good deciduous forest due to favourable soil and climatic conditions.

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