
This study assesses the performance and limitations of slim-hole borehole nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology from a hydrogeologic perspective in fractured, porous rock. NMR logging was carried out in dolomitic and sandstone bedrock boreholes at two research test sites in Ontario, Canada, where aquifer and aquitard units provide a range of clay contents as well as a variety of primary and secondary porosity types (e.g. discrete fractures, reefal structures, vugs and karstic conduits). Results were compared to core measurements, geophysical logs, and hydrogeophysical testing. The vertical response curve of the instrument tested was found to produce 60% of the signal from within a 0.2m span surrounding the measuring point. The repeatability of the total porosity measurements in stationary mode is excellent where the porosity is greater than 0.15. Below that threshold, repeatability is scattered at ±0.05 porosity about the mean, with the variability primarily within the clay- and capillary-bound fractions. The NMR porosity estimates agreed with core measurements to within ±0.04 porosity in both the dolostone and sandstone, but the correlation deteriorates in finely bedded lithologies, and where fracturing is present. Much of the discrepancy is attributed to scaling in a finely layered geologic sequence, as the core samples are much smaller than the entire volume measured with NMR probes. Data collection with the probe in motion (continuous logging) added variability to the response when compared to stationary recordings. Although broadscale trends were comparable, the details and depth-specific insights of the bound fluid fractions varied with logging rates. Overall, NMR provides a robust measurement of the bulk matrix porosity and pore size distribution of lithologies intersected, both of which are critically important parameters in understanding hydrogeologic conditions and contaminant distributions in layered sedimentary rock systems.

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