
Detailed and accurate data are required for solar applications in the UK. In this study, the Yang model is evaluated for three locations in the UK, namely Camborne, London and Stornoway. Statistical tests were used to determine the performance of the model. Furthermore, the Yang model was compared with a previously evaluated meteorological radiation model (MRM). Note that MRM has been used by United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) to generate solar radiation for the UK for futuristic climate predictions. Bearing in mind that hourly solar radiation is a highly variable resource, particularly for the northern latitudes such as those in the UK locations, and also keeping in perspective the potential error regarding routine measurements, both models were found to perform well. From the data set under examination, more than 50% of recorded radiation values were found to be under 400 W/m-super-2. From the overall comparison, the MRM model performed better than the Yang model. Hence, it is suggested that the use of MRM model is continued for estimation of radiation for UK locations. Copyright The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oxfordjournals.org, Oxford University Press.

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