
To evaluate the effect of oral contraceptive on the serum free prostatic specific antigen (PSA) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOD) compared with cyproterone compound. In this randomized clinical trial, 60 hirsute PCOD patients that referred to Imam Hossein hospital were enrolled. Baseline Ferriman–Gallway score (FG), body mass index (BMI), free PSA, 17-hydroxy progesterone (17-OHP), free testosterone, and dehydroepiandrestandione sulfate (DHEAS) were measured. Then patients were divided randomly into two groups. One group received oral contraceptive pill (OCP) and the other one ate cyproterone compound (Diane). Hormonal profile and Ferriman–Gallway scores were evaluated again after 3months. Baseline FG score was 10.78±2.4 vs. 11.5±2.3 in OCP and cyproterone compound group, respectively. FG score was reduced after 3months to 8.06±2.5 vs. 9.2±2.3, respectively ( P value=0.000). There was no significant difference in FG score reduction after the treatment between two groups ( r >0.05). Baseline PSA was 0.201±0.3 in OCP group and 0.097±0.12ng/ml in cyproterone compound group and after the treatment was decreased in both groups significantly 0.135±0.24 vs. 0.059±0.05ng/ml, respectively, but the mean reduction of score was the same for both groups ( r >0.5). Free testosterone reduced more in OCP group (2.48±1.3ng/ml to 2.24±1.0ng/ml, P value=0.03) than cyproterone compound (2.00±1.2 to 1.64±0.9ng/ml, P value=0.1). There was no statistical differences observed in 17-OHP and DHEAS after the treatment in both groups ( P value >0.5). Serum free PSA and free testosterone and FG score were decreased after treatment with OCP and cyproterone compound but there was no preference between the two groups of anti-androgen treatment.

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