
This study centered on evaluating selected soil structural properties of different land uses in Oforola, Imo State, Nigeria. Soil samples were collected from six different land-use types, namely, secondary forest, bush fallow, bare plot, cassa- va cultivated plot, oil palm plantation, and grassland vegetation. Soil auger was used to collect soil samples from each of the land use types at two (2) depths (0 – 15 cm and 15 – 30cm). The samples from each land use at different depths were composited, mixed thoroughly and sub-sample, and analyzed in the laboratory for selected physical and chemical parameters. The data were analyzed statisti- cally using GENSTAT software Ver. 8.2 in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The soils of the study area were principally sandy, with sand accounting for more than 65% of the inorganic mineral fragment in the soil at 0 – 15 cm depth and 15 – 30 cm depth. Land use effect on the dispersion ratio (DR) was significant (P ≤ 0.05) at the 0 -15 cm and 15 – 30 cm depth. However, oil palm plantation recorded significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher dispersion ratio at the 0 – 15 cm depth. Bulk density was highest (1.57 g/cm3) in grassland vegetation and lowest in secondary forest and bush fallow (1.25 g/cm3). The bulk density val- ues for bare plot, cassava cultivated plot and oil palm plantation were 1.51 g/ cm3, 1.35 g/cm3, and 1.29 g/cm3, respectively. The total porosity of the soil was significantly higher in secondary forest (51.84%). Total porosity values for bush fallow, Cassava cultivated plot, oil palm plantation, bare plot, and grassland veg- etation were 51.83%, 48.38%, 50.97%, 42.36%, and 40.08%, respectively. The proportion of water stable aggregates were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced by the various land-use types. On the average, secondary forest and bush fallow had higher water-stable aggregates of various sizes compared to the cassava cultivat- ed plot that had moderate water-stable aggregates. The least water-stable aggre- gates of various sizes were recorded in grassland vegetation and oil palm planta- tion. The mean weight diameters were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced by var- ious land-use types. Low mean weight diameter was observed for oil palm plan- tation, grassland vegetation and cassava cultivated plots. Based on the findings of the study, secondary forest and bush fallow land-use types possessed the most stable structural properties and also showed optimal impact compared to other land uses in Oforola soils, Imo State, Nigeria

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