
Selected insecticide treatments were evaluated for control of bean leaf beetles and loopers in soybean at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (Jackson, TN). Soybeans were planted on 15 May. The test was arranged in a RCB design with 4 replicates. Individual plots were 12.67 x 50 ft and planted at a rate of 9 seeds per row ft. Treatments were applied with a high clearance sprayer calibrated to deliver 10.8 gpa at 32 psi with 80015 flat fan nozzles. Foliar application was made 6 Sep. Plots were sampled with a standard 15 inch sweep net. On each date, 25 sweep samples were taken from the center two rows of all plots. Insect control was evaluated 10 Sep, 4 days after treatment (4 DAT) and 16 Sep (10 DAT). Data were subjected to ANOVA and means were separated using a protected LSD.

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